Newington History Group is a voluntary group set up to investigate, record
and promote the history of Newington and the surrounding area through
study, publication and education.
Data is collected from members and from those contacting the group for the
purposes of research. This information is used to administer the group,
distribute the monthly newsletter, information about events and research
relevant to the group's purpose and to enable research.
Membership information is collected on paper forms and transferred to
password protected databases. The membership databases are accessible
only by specified committee members. Paper forms are then
All data is acquired by consent. Consent will be gained explicitly through the
membership form or through alternative means for non-members. Renewal of
consent will be assumed unless you contact us otherwise.
Individuals have the right to be forgotten. Members who do not renew will be
contacted to either give permission for their details to be kept in a visitor
database to ensure they continue to receive information about the group or to
request that their details are deleted from NHG records. Individuals may contact the Group at any time to find out which of their details the Group holds and to have those details deleted if they wish.
Data is never used for marketing purposes or passed to a third person
without the express consent of the individual.
Photographs may be taken at NHG meetings and events and distributed
through a variety of media to publicise the group. Members' permission to
use their image in this way is explicitly sought on the membership form.
Visitors will be notified at each event and attendance will equate to explicit
permission. Given the nature of Newington History Group's purpose, images will be stored and processed indefinitely.
Any unauthorised breach of data will be notified to relevant individuals within
48 hours of the breach being discovered.
May 2023
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